Budget Profile

Total Expenditure Budget
This section presents the comprehensive money flow data of the Assam Budget 2019-20.It presents both the sources of revenue of the Assam Government and the expenditure commitments it has made on different heads.
Total Receipts Budget
Note: Assam State Budget shows an estimated deficit of
1079.861 crore in the consolidated fund.
Total ReceiptsTotal Revenue ReceiptsState's Own TaxNon-Tax RevenueShare of Central TaxesCentrally Sponsored SchemesFinance Commission GrantsPublic DebtRecoveries of Loans & AdvancesTotal Capital ReceiptsTotal ExpenditureGeneral ServicesSocial ServicesEconomic ServicesGrants-in-Aid & ContributionsPublic Debt(Exp)Loans & Advances


Budget Highlights

This section provides the highlights of this year’s budget in Assam with specific focus on proposals on critical social sectors. It also incorporates important announcements made for the vulnerable sections of the population such as women, children, dalits, adivasis, religious minorities and urban poor. The source of information here is the Budget Speech and other programmatic documents from Assam Budget 2019-20.


This section presents the allocations made by the state government in the budget of 2019-20.


This section presents the detailed accounts of revenue for the state of Assam in 2019-20.